Saturday, December 26, 2009


Monday, December 21, 2009

You know you have a toddler when

1.There is no toilet paper on any of the rolls; they are up on the shelf.

2.All the little garbage cans are up on the counters.

3.You try to have a conversation with another grown up and can't think of anything intelligent to say because all you can think of is the theme song to the Doodle Bops.

4.You find presents in your toilet (ie: cars, blocks, coins)

5. When something goes missing, the most logical place to look for it is in the toy box.

6.You open more food IN the grocery store, than when you get home.

7.When you clean house and find like 10(or more) binkies

19.When you find stepped on Cheerios around the house

20.When you are constantly wiping fingerprints off the TV and windows

21.When you know exactly how many Kix you can pick up off the floor in one hand before you pick up one too many and drop them all again.

22.When all the pages of his book are ripped out and on the floor...

23.You are going to bed and tell your husband I'm going to go night night.

24.The cat prefers to stay in the other room

25.You just simply walk through the house and you activate at least 15 toys.

26.When you go into his room at night and trip on a toy and almost kill yourself

27.when you have to keep all the bathroom doors closed because your child has a fascination with the toilet water.

28.When you just cant seem to find a magazine that has pages missing in it

29.when your area rug isn't in the same spot that you last left it.

30.When you cant seem to find the air freshener that was in the wall

31.When you have to put all your DVDs up on a high shelf or they would all be on the floor

32.when you find the laundry basket in different rooms because the little one likes to push it around the house

33.when the blanket your cat sleeps on that is usually on the couch is always on the floor because you son doesn't like it on the couch he thinks it looks better on the floor

34.When you look all over for the TV remote only to find it inside the VCR.

35.When you see a child walking around the house clapping because they put clothes on by themselves only to see its a pair of daddy undies around their neck.

36.When you find a trail of poop on the floor that leads up to a naked baby!

37.When your cabinets are used as a hideout.

38.When your kitchen drawers are used as steps.

39.When you start saying "NO" in your sleep.

40.When you have to put up a sign that says beware of toddler!

41.You refer to yourself in the third person (Mommy...) to company.

42.You call your husband, "Daddy," now instead of by name.

43.There are several unidentifiable sticky substances throughout your home.

44.All your newest CD's have titles like, "Toddler Tunes," "Rockin' Sing Along," or, "Wee Sing!"
(Therefore, impressing non-parents with the sheer magnitude of children's songs you know.)

45.Taking care of your plants includes watering them, pruning them, and removing castaway food items.

46.You find cheerios in your bed and you eat them because you're too lazy (tired) to get up to throw them away.

47.Your dog has gained 10 pounds from cleaning up after meals have more food boogies etc.. on your body then your child does

49. you find sippy cups with mysterious liquids in them all over the house

50.You think 6:00 is sleeping in.

51.When the remote goes missing, you start by looking in the VCR.

52. You spend hours debating Doodlebops Vs. Wiggles with your husband.

53.You can't walk across the living room without hearing the crunch of goldfish underfoot.

54.Toilet flushes are accompanied by applause.

55.You now allow the cat to eat his food on the kitchen table or counter when he wasn't even allowed to step up there pre-baby.

56.There are no grown-up knickknacks or decorations on any end tables in your house.

57.You get a look of terror on your face when you realize it has been quiet for too long. It's never a good sign and you always find something "interesting"

58.the knobs on your dresser suddenly disappear

59.when you walk into his room and his trash can with dirty diapers are all over the place

60.when there juice stains on his crib sheet

61.when there's clumps of cat hair on the floor from him pulls the cats hair out

62.You make new friends based on how close in age their child is to yours
If there is no naptime, there is no leaving the house.

63.When you are running late for an appt. cause you can't find the car keys that you let her play with last night. You spend an hour searching the house and finally find then in the garbage can.

64.All of your kitchen appliances (pots, pans, spoons...) are now under management of a new owner

65.You have an all-new language and your childless friends look at you like an alien

66.You must keep your bedroom door shut at ALL times or the gremlin will terrorize the computer and act evil kinevil on the bed

67.the front door stays locked or you will have a big hairy stinky dog party in your living room without an invitation

68.when the smell of a poopie diaper is unusually follow your nose to locate the source only to find your child finger painting on the wall with this "new found substance" in the diaper.

69.You get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and it never fails you step on either a really hard toy that hurts your foot or a toy that makes a really loud noise at 3am.

70.You can't go to the bathroom alone without having either the door opening mid-squat or coming out to a screaming temper tantrum!

71.Naptime now consists of 10 to 15 minutes of crying before sleep.

72.Kitchen chairs are dangerous and if left pulled out child will be on table.

73.You find yourself asking people what they are chewing on.

74.There is a lot of "no" and finger pointing but it is not coming from you.

75.Peepee on the potty makes you more excited then winning the lottery!

76.when you have a stock pile of mac and cheese and chicken nuggets

77.when you have diapers all over the floor

78.when you pet spends most of its time hiding or running for its life

79.when you have a duck shaped blow up tub

80.when you have tiny spoons and forks all i one drawer...

81.when you walk into your office and hes standing on your keyboard

82.When you use an item your child is afraid of (like TMX and Hokey Pokey Elmo) to guard the trash can....

83. When you sleep on the edge of your bed, because someone insist on sleeping with you.

84. When you have 500 toys and they rather play with boxes.

85. When you no longer cuddle them after getting bit by the family cat, because if you didn't pull their tail, they wouldn't have bit you.

86. When your favorite shows contains a yellow sponge and a pink starfish...

87. When you walk through the living room at 3am and step on a hot wheel, fall and bust your ass.

88. When you cant say ass anymore because your toddler will repeat it for the next 3 weeks.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

30Weeks down

We also had another ultrasound the other day (Dec 11) and Madison is still a little And she was sticking her tongue out at us. I wish I can share that picture with you but our scanner doesn't work.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

No way Jose'

My OB called me she wants me to get the Swine Flu Vac and I don't want to get it. After I did research and everything I don't wanna take the chance.
Pregnant women are considered at high risk for suffering complications or death from the new H1N1 pandemic swine flu. So they’re near the top of the list for getting vaccinated. A new international study calculates that up to 400 out of every million pregnant women who receive such swine-flu shots will experience a miscarriage within 24 hours.

I don't care if its only 400 out of a million that's still a risk I don't want to take. So Shove the shoot up your butt this Mama aint getting it sorry. When I go to my appointment next week Im going to be sure to print out the information I got and show her.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

its a..............

We changed our mind and is telling. The name you have to wait just a little bit longer. If we told you already then keep it to your self thanks!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm 14weeks now so here is the updated picture!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I had my first Ultrasound today. I'm measuring 12w5d. They wont let me have my Vbac because they don't do that. James said I should just wait till the head is sticking out so they have But Im fine with not having one. I'm not switching doctors. I'm sticking with this one.
Other then that everything is going good. I have another appointment Sept 10 for blood work and check up.
We also decided not to tell people what the sex of the baby is other then the grandparents so please do not bug us we will not tell and the grandparents agreed not to tell either.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Your name?Kari
Fathers name?James
Are you still with him?Yup.

When you found out

When did you find out? ending of may
Were did he find out?same time
How far along were you? 2weeks
What was your reaction?happy
Who was the first person you told?James
How did you tell the father? uh yea
What was his reaction?happy

All about your pregnancy

When is your due date?Feb 22 2010
Did you have any morning sickness? all day
What are your fears? same problems I had with my first
What are you most happy about?everything
Did you want a boy or girl? it doesnt matter to me as long its a healthy baby
What did the father want boy or girl?Healthy
Do you know what your having? not yet
Do you have a name picked out? Yup but we are not telling till that baby is born
How much weight have you gained?Um. that is a rude thing to ask.
Have you felt the baby move? not yet

When you have the baby

Are you keeping the baby?Of course.
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? medicated hoping for a VBAC
Are you scared about labor?not really
What do you think will be the worst part of labor? who knows
Have you taken any classes? yes called REAL LIFE
Who will be in the delivery room?James
Are you having the birth videotaped? IDK
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time?yes
What do you think the fathers reaction to the baby will be?happy
How do you think family and friends will feel?Happy

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009


So I been MIA for awhile but I promise Ill post more.

So Updates since last time I posted.

Our old house sold and the new owners wanted in with in a month. We took the offer because if we didn't who knows if another one would come along or not. So with that our new place is not done yet so we are staying in a crap hole apartment which is the size of our living room and master room put together. Can you Picture 3bedrooms of things in a 2room place?? And by two rooms I mean and living area and a bedroom. Well don't try so hard it sucks. 40days left and I can't wait.

I had a birthday I'm 24 now. We didn't really do anything on it. James took me to Red Lobster and bought me an Wii. I wanted the wii fit but being pregnant I really can't do half of the stuff on it.

Along with being pregnant I'm about 9weeks . I half morning sickness really bad.

James started a new job. Less stressful and more money.

Ill post belly pictures and more house pictures later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

4 week belly

4 week belly. Its stating to show. Either Im more then 4week or its twins

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The test

The second line is faint but you can tell.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Friday, June 12, 2009

Baby update #1

I'm due on or around Feb 22, 2010. Daddy's birthday is the 18 so what a perfect gift for

Here is the first belly picture taken today at 3 weeks. I was a little pudgy in the belly to start out with.

I really haven't had any morning sickness yet but I know it will start soon.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

3 years on may 13!

Its been 3 years since you left you will forever be in our heart! We found out on mothers day so I always think of him on that day!

First our dear friend Kyle Staheli went missing..No one had heard from him or seen him. He was murdered by two guys. I don't even want to say there names because it makes me sick. They Shot him 3 times in the back of the head execution style and than burnt his body and than stoled his car and crashed it .. A hiker than found his body 2 days later on Nellis and Stewart(Owen Hills)..... They than found his murder along with someone that happened to be accomplice to murder...The one murderer got away from the cops they shot at him and he bleed to death on the way to the hospital they other they put in jail. james Carter Jr. is the only victim still alive and he is charged with murder and facing life in prison. Swavue the other killer that died. We found out that he was him that was killed on mothers day. I wish there was some kind of justice that could come out of this but there's not.... Kyle You will be forever in memories....
You were such a good guy You will be forever missed still to this day...
I have pictures of him in my photo album.
If you didn't hear about his murder then here are some webpages.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Haven't posted in a while

Sorry for the lack of posting. We are buying a new house so we been dealing with that. Plus we are selling our old one so I have to leave at a moments notice so they can show this house.

This is the floor plan we are getting. Its about 1800sq which is about 600 more then the house we are in now.

and here is the first picture of were the house is going to be built.

Its not going to be built till we have a buyer on our old house but I can't wait. I will post pictures and updates as they come!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An old poem from the Hubby. (April 2008)

Lovely words
Gentle touches and kisses
That's how we started

As the time flows
Many things has changed

We argued and had a quarell occasionally
Sometimes we did it until I'm crying in desperate
And wanting to be away from you

But something in my heart
Prevented me from leaving you
Something that wouldn't change
Even if I said 'I don't love you anymore'

My love wouldn't change
And it will always be the same

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

My love for you..
Will last..


I love you Honey more than words can Explain.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy 85th Birthday!

Today is my grandfathers 85th birthday. I miss you and Love you!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentines day!

A poem from the husband!!

A Valentine to My Wife

Accept, dear girl, this little token,
And if between the lines you seek,
You'll find the love I've often spoken—
The love my dying lips shall speak.

Our little one is making merry
O'er am'rous ditties rhymed in jest,
But in these words (though awkward—very)
The genuine article's expressed.

You are as fair and sweet and tender,
Dear green-eyed little sweetheart mine,
As when, a callow youth and slender,
I asked to be your Valentine.

What though these years of ours be fleeting?
What though the years of youth be flown?
I'll mock old Tempus with repeating,
"I love my love and her alone!"

And when I fall before his reaping,
And when my stuttering speech is dumb,
Think not my love is dead or sleeping,
But that it waits for you to come.

So take, dear love, this little token,
And if there speaks in any line
The sentiment I'd fain have spoken,
Say, will you kiss your Valentine?


James took me out. (Texas Land and Cattle) and we were sitting there eating our food the server comes up to us and hands us a gift card saying someone over there (pointed to the back wall) said to give this to you.. Umm. who is the mystery person? We ask the server of he can point the person out so we can say thank you he said they already gone.
James kept thinking who can if be the person he held the door open for, someone he help out from work, someone we know from vegas, family, or just a random person we have no clue.